Summer Camp (for riders age 6 - 14) is a great place to begin if you’ve never ridden, or a great place to further your knowledge of horses. At camp, students ride daily and play educational games to learn how to handle and care for their horse. They will learn basic horsemanship as well as stable management. Each student will walk away from camp with gained knowledge about the parts and structure of the horse, physical & psychological aspects of horses and how they affect the rider,
breeds, colors & markings, grooming & daily care, braiding & show grooming,
detecting horse age & height, use of tack & equipment, uses and differences of bits, housing & feeding care, basic Farrier (shoeing) info, detecting horse illnesses, basic first aid, dispositions & temperament analysis, safety rules & etiquette, bathing horses, hoof care and disease, "Do’s and Don’ts” of horses and so much more!
Hello campers, your parents will want to know what is needed for Nassau Equestrian Center Summer Riding Camp.
Q: What are the hours? A: Camp hours are 9 AM to 2 PM Monday - Friday. Payment due at registration
Q: Should the campers bring food? A: Campers are required to bring a packed lunch, snacks and drinks daily. There is a small refrigerator in Camp room. *We also suggest campers bring a water bottle and sunscreen if needed.
Q: What should my camper wear? A: All campers are required to wear an ASTM approved riding helmet. Campers are required to wear riding jodhpurs / breeches /leggings or long pants. Footwear for riding : paddock boot or low heeled shoe. Short Crop is optional.
*Campers should have a T-shirt, shorts and sneakers for games and non-riding activities.
Q: Where do I get these items for my camper? A:These items can be purchased at local riding/tack shops.
Please click link above for Registration Information ASAP!